EAP Winter Meeting – December 2016
Earlier this month the Winter Meeting of the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) took place at the Hilton Brussels Grand Place, Brussels (December 2-3).
This important event provided all persons involved with a first-hand opportunity to meet, network and exchange information with the EAP Executive Committee members, respective Working Groups, National Delegates as well individual members.
Paragon is proud to serve EAP since 2012 as the professional Association Management Company (AMC) and Core Professional Congress Organizer (PCO).
For information regarding the EAP, please visit: www.eapaediatrics.eu
For information regarding the upcoming EAP Congress
(Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 12–15, 2017) please visit 2017.eapcongress.com.

Prof. Adamos Hadjipanayis, EAP General Secretary
and Ofer Gil, Co-Managing Director, Paragon Group